Hey hey! Here's the update for talent time!
- Introduction of characters using america's next top model
- Recap (previously on Daniel tv....)
- advisors of the kind complain about daniel
- Daniel got in wrong book
- people go to the king
- set the decree
- king writes the decree
What will happen to Daniel next?
(human people will show morning + moving sky)
- Daniel finds out about decree
- face window and prays 3x a day
- got caught
- advisors complain to the king
- throws Daniel into Lions den
- Daniel in the den with lion
- (in the den) So you think you can dance competition against Dancing Lion and Daniel
- meanwhile in the king's palace...
- King finds out Daniel is alive (Song: survivor by Destiny's Child will play)
- king brings advisors to board room (like apprentice) and fires them (donald trump: You're fired! =D )
- king order's citizens to worship God (*hallelujah! hehehehe)
CHS peepz
Ann Jill = Queen (King's wife)
Ivan = Advisor 1
Jehanne = Lion 1
John = King
Denzie = Lion 3
Allan = Music
DJ peepz
Mark Ng = guard 1
Mark C = DANIEL (hahahahah =p)
Vincent = Guard 2
Julian = Advisor 2
Eugene = Guard 3
Sara = Advisor 3
Jia yi + Eunice = Maidservant (oh don't worry it's a priviledge 2 serve the king ;) )
Ben = Lion 2
Christine = Sound manager + narrator
Jeremy Wee = Dancing Lion
See you at rehersals! Make sure you guys come okay! =)
tata ;)