Saturday, March 28, 2009

As you all know~
Friendship connection Saturday is cming ~
Its on the 11th of April~
Please do invite all your friends =)
More details will be posted up later xD

For now~~

see anyone u know? LOL

Anyone up for C2age?
It stands for Comics /Cosplay /Anime / Games exhibition !!

here are the details =D

Date : 16th May 2009

Venue: HELP University College Main Block

Time : 11am - 6pm

Ticket Pricing:
Individual - RM10 [ for early buyers]
RM15 [ on the spot ]
Group of 15 - RM 8 per person

C2AGE schedule, subject to change!

11.00am ~ 11.15pm – Opening speech by Mr Danesh [ director of HMC HELP University College]

11.15pm ~ 12.00pm – Cosplay catwalk/Cosplay Performance

12.00pm ~ 3.00pm – Break*

3.00pm ~ 3.45pm – Cosplay performance and Anime opening/ending song questionnaire

3.45pm ~ 5.00pm - Cosplay/Anime chess

5.00pm ~ 6.00pm – Closing ceremony

Booth prices are listed as RM30 for a 5feet x 1.3feet booth section.


FOr more info pls click here

Anyone going please tell me =D

then we can together gather go =D LOL!!!

since this blog is only for things related bout CG ~
Don't cha think that we should pray for this ex-members so that it will b a success? xD
(damm~ i'm good with cming up with reasons)
hahaha xD

stylish don't cha think? xD


pictures are from jenn's blog ~

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Oh ~~ and Ivan is leaving the Cg D:
its not like he wants to ~~ but yeah....

I have no idea how to say it all~~ so leave it to Allan or someone =D

I suck with word xD



Another unexpected talk on "SEX" by pt. Victor =D and not forgetting pt. Kelly =)
This time its bout pre - marital sex ~~
Why people do pre - marital sex and all ~~ bla bla bla =D

It was really funny xD
He asked all the male cell leaders to stand and go on stage to do this really
really weird dance xD
I took pictures =D but lazy wan to post now
cause using bro's comp -.-'
Comp broke down that lo -.-'

Anyway~~ alot and I mean ALOT parents came~~
the whole hall was crowded =D
and still it was fun ~ =D

but anyway~~ People do pre- marital sex is due to alot of reasons
such as ~~ for money ~ too sexcited and etc etc ~~

Pt.Victor showed us a indon movie call "Virgin"
the story go check it out ~~ google it xD
We only got to see a little bit of the starting ..
but i can tell its a good story =D
though i can see its low on budget xD

but yeah ~~ go check it out =D
and and and..
idk =X ask some1 else to update on on on..what are the things that he gave on the paper..
i never bring pen so never write xD


Monday, March 16, 2009

Hello Sunshine!

DSC09211This was your last day with us before we sent you guys off. You all have been the awesomest people I’ve ever met.

College life has started for most of you and I pray that you guys will continue to be the salt and light among your friends. Shine and influence them, that they may see the True and Living God who lives in YOU! :)

DSC09213Cue: AWWWWWW *sobs*

Dear Andrew, Po Chee, John, Christine, Jenn and Ben,

ALL THE BEST IN YOUR FUTURE. Continue to grow in the Lord yea? (:

Glow, Grow and Go for Jesus!

*BIIIIIG bear hugs*

Congratulations. You have officially moved on to your new cell group.

KTHXBAI! Don’t forget us! ;)

Hah! I know you all are sobbing now. Cause you miss us so much ;P

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hi... more updates to the outing... need your reply quick, or else i make executive decision then none of u can argue liao.... AHAHAhA otherwise very difficult to plan...

the pricing...

for sky trex rm 35 per person for the whole thing... there are three tracks as far as i know... not sure if can do all three... but i think one is good enough... if u can survive the whole thing dat is... LOL... besdies that... there is also archery, fishing, swimming cycling and a four season house in Tmn Pertanian... so i feel this is prolly a good place lo... HAHA... entrance fee rm 3...

For Go karting... it is also rm 35... for 10 minutes... plus rm 50 deposit... if got damage, then rm 50 gone... i also feel this is a good choice, but only thing is expensive a bit lo... so u see la...

let me noe quick!!!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Hi Peeeeeeeeps!! :)

As most of you know that we'll be having a CG outing this coming Sunday, on the 8th March, you have a choice of choosing either one of the below (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong, Al).

Now there you go...*cheng chenggggg* The two choices are....*drum rolls*

*I feeel gooooood. We'll be right back!*

The two choices are:-
  • Sky trekking and more little flying fox, riding bicycle(??)
  • Go-karting
Both of theses activities are in Shah Alam. Both are outdoors. Go figure the pros and cons yourself la. I not so free. I have to study.

Anyways, why Sunday, some of you may ask.

Just so you know, CHS has replacement class for Hari Raya on Saturday, which I think the Maxwell-ians has too, just that they are not informed, yet. Don't be too happy. >P So yes, Sunday it is. We want everybody who can make it to come and join the fun. After all, it's a CG Outing, no? :)

Understandings? Now, YOU HAVE A TASK TO COMPLETE.

  1. Pick up your phone.
  2. Text Allan which activity you prefer best. PICK EITHER ONE -.-!
More details on the outing will come...


..when everything's finalised. So yes, PLEASE DO TEXT HIM to make his life easier. Don't make him come after you. :)

or you shall be like this girl, stuck in the middle of no where. wahahaha. SO THAT YOU CAN HAVE FUN!




Monday, March 2, 2009

was sepose to be retreat though =X
But since CHS ada exams~~~(hohoho~ good luck xD)

Since this blog is almost dead~~
I mean ALMOST!!!
I decide to revive it for the time being lol xD

BUT ITS ON SAT!!!(duh)

if its paintball~~ u get to shoot Allan =D
So must ~~ and i repeat~~ MUST COME!!


just killing time updating xD
